Dog Sledding in Banff National Park, Canada

The sun shines so brightly in Banff National Park in the winter that it’s easy to forget how cold it is. With the sunlight bouncing right into your eyes off the expanse of snowy ground, it’s more vividly white than any other place you’ve seen.

Dogs Getting Ready for Howling Dogs Sledding Travel Adventure (Jennifer Miner)

Rangy dogs — huskies and husky mixes – loll about, stretch, bark, nip, and tussle. This is what you’ve been waiting for; a dog sledding experience in Banff National Park. And the dogs are as eager to go as you.

Some people worry about animal abuse in terms of dog sledding. Once you see these dogs gearing up for a run, though, it’s obvious; these animals are made for it. Their excitement is palpable, and contagious.

The dogs practically put their own gear on, lifting their feet to get the harnesses on as quickly as possible. And, as you get a lesson regarding how to steer the sled, the dogs strain at their harnesses.

A few on the lead may look back at you as if to say, “Come on, get with the program!” Your guide stands on the back of the sled, you stand next to him, and – whoosh – you’re off.

Dog Sledding Spray Lakes Banff National Park Canada (Jennifer Miner)

That bright sun might fool you into taking off your gloves, so as to hold onto the steering bar more tightly. This will catch up with you later, but for now, you feel amazingly connected.

The dogs respond to your squeezing the handle, tugging the rigging — they veer to the left and the right, speed up and slow down in response to the tension in the tow lines.

The Canada winter is a spectacle, glittering in its expanse, and the wind is in your face. “Mush,” you say, at first self-consciously but later with a sense of authority. This is what you, and the dogs ahead of you, have been waiting for. Your dog sledding group speeds along the ground.

Dog Sledding in Banff National Park, Alberta Canada (Jennifer Miner)

The snow kicks up as fine as dust, sparkling in your hair and dotting your face with cold kisses. Your cheeks flush. This is exhilarating! Speeding along, you guide the dogs in front of you.

They are alive with the moment, running at their steady pace and occasionally bumping up against each other. Banff and Canmore get further behind you as you and your dog sledding team head to the Spray Lakes area.

The dogs slow down, seemingly reluctantly, before coming to a stop near a frozen lake. They are taken off their harnesses and some rub their faces in the snow.

Others roll in it. Before you get off the dog sled, you have to peel your frozen fingers off the steering bar; that bright sun didn’t stop your hands from freezing to the bar! You fish your gloves out of your pockets for the return trip.

Howling Dogs Dog Sledding Banff Canmore Alberta Canada (Jennifer Miner) Dog Sledding in Banff National Park Canada (Jennifer Miner)

Warming hot cocoa does the trick for the humans, while the dogs are rehydrated by slop water. A short hike onto the frozen lake leads to another unforgettable moment; the almost unbroken vista of Canadian winter mountains and sky surrounds you and leaves you breathless.

The world is writ larger here, in the north, and we humans and dogs are mere specks amid the expanse. The mountain ranges of Alberta have stood like this for millennia, as winter warms to spring, summer cools to fall, and people arrive for a moment in time, to leave again and have their footprints covered by fresh snow.

Banff National Park Alberta Canada Winter (Jennifer Miner)

We are small and our time is short, us humans and dogs. Spray Lakes, Banff National Park and the Canadian North in its entirety barely registers our presence. How lucky we are, then, to be able to stay here, for just a little while.

And how lucky our children’s children will be to someday, hopefully, be able to do the same. The dog sled ride back to base camp finds you quieter and thoughtful, as the wind goes through your hair.

What a gift this place is, you think as your dog sledding adventure comes to an end. What a gift it would be for our next generations to be able to appreciate it this same way.

 Spray Lakes Banff National Park Dog Sledding (Jennifer Miner)

Thank you to Travel Alberta and Howling Dog Tours for hosting this dog sledding travel adventure.

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The sun shines so brightly in Banff National Park in the winter that it's easy to forget how cold it is. With the sunlight bouncing right into your eyes off the expanse of snowy ground, it's more vividly white than any other place you've seen.

16 Comments on "Dog Sledding in Banff National Park, Canada"

  1. This looks like SO much fun! I want to do this! 🙂

  2. LOVE this. I felt as if I was there with you! Gorgeous descriptions – we need to go!

  3. I so want to do this again! I went on dogsledding holiday in Finland and it was one of the best weeks of my life. We traveled along the Finnish forest with the dogs only stopping at isolated rustic cabins. We ate lots of sausages, had saunas and admired the Northern Lights. Now I want to do this in Canada!

  4. Beautiful writing. You really took me there. Think I need a cup of hot chocolate right now.

  5. This looks like so much fun. I live only a few hours from Banff, but I don’t usually go to the mountains in the winter because I don’t like skiing, but dog sledding I might have to give a try.

  6. What a great place to go dogsledding! I experienced it for the first time this year near Ottawa and fell in love. I agree – the dogs are so excited for running. We had the sled tied to a tree while we were getting ready and they were bouncing around so much, the sleigh was virtually levitating! It was exhilarating. Great day out.

  7. Colleen Lanin | March 19, 2013 at 8:45 am |

    Jen- This is my favorite story by you that I’ve ever read! Your descriptions made me long to go dog-sledding again. (I tried my hand as a musher, but without a guide -yikes! – in Quebec.) I’m hoping to take the kids in Alaska during our cruise this summer. We got a book from the library, “Wind-Wild Dog” about a dog-sledding husky and my 8-year-old is in love with the idea. Great message too…I hope these experiences and the natural beauty of these places will be around for generations to come.

  8. Loved this – it brought back great memories of dog sledding in Québec several years ago! I loved seeing how excited the dogs would get when they were being harnessed to pull the sled – you’re right that they are clearly made for it and their excitement is contagious!

  9. I am a HUGE sucker for pups…I would probably never get on that sled!

  10. How did you do that? I was never interested in dog sledding in freezing cold climes until you unwound your story. It sounds breathtaking.

  11. I can attest to the beauty of Banff National Park having been there several times. Dogsledding has just been added to my list of things to do next time I’m there. Brilliant description of your experience!

  12. Sounds like a wonderful way to see Banff NP. Such beatiful writing, too 🙂

  13. Wow. What lovely writing. Sounds absolutely fantastic.

    Love the adventure and how much it seems to have inspired you.

    Good travels! (And take me with you next time. I pack light.)

  14. Love this! I grew up a stone’s throw away from the Rockies, and I’ve never tried dog sledding. Wonderful article.

  15. Wow, the second dog-sledding post I read today, haha. So much fun isn’t it???
    When I went dog-sledding this year we had to say ‘hike’ to get the dogs running instead of ‘mush’. I couldn’t get over how fast they can go….it’s actually a bit of a workout controlling them isnt it??

  16. Hi Jeniffer,
    I just wanted to let you know the May edition of the Byteful Travel Carnival is out. I’ve included this article, “Dog Sledding in Banff National Park, Canada,” and have listed it as one of my top 3 favorites.
    Please take a moment to stop by and take a look at the other articles in this edition.

    Be sure to share it with your social media. Tweeting, Stumbling, or Liking this will help spread the word and multiplies the reach of this blog carnival, which in turn helps more people discover your article and site.

    I’d love to hear from you, so if you can leave a comment, I’ll be sure to reply.


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